Single Father With Strong Pride Receives Car From Co-workers After Walking 11 Miles to Work Every Da

  • A single father named Trenton Lewis has been taking an 11-mile walk every morning to get to his 4 a.m. shift
  • The 21-year-old was dedicated to this act for seven long months before his colleagues found out and made plans to surprise him
  • The thoughtful colleagues got their coworker a new car and he was so amazed by the kind gesture

A single father, Trenton Lewis, walked for hours to cover an 11 miles journey to work every day.

The doting dad was so dedicated to providing for his 14-month-old daughter, Karmen, and had a strong pride which didn't let him share his ordeal.

However, his colleagues found out and his predicament touched their hearts. They decided to do something, so they bought a 2006 Saturn Ion and gave it to him as a surprise, Wealth reports.

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Trenton Lewis was surprised when his co-workers handed him the keys to it.

"My pride is strong. Whatever she needs, I'm the person who is supposed to provide it for her", the doting dad told CNN during an interview.

Lewis grateful for car gift

Lewis' colleagues asked him to come to a brief union meeting. When he showed up and saw the car, he let out a grateful smile as his coworkers handed him the keys to a new car.

"I was emotionally moved. My heart just fell," the young worker said.

When Lewis started working at the UPS facility, he had no means of getting to and from work. He was banking on his feet.

A female worker first found out and shared Lewis’ story with fellow workers who took up a challenge to buy their determined colleague a car.

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Most of the employees didn’t have a personal experience with Lewis but were impressed with his grit, and positive attitude to work.

Kind boss gifts worker a car previously reported that a young student, Walter, had to trek 20 miles on his first day to resume at his new workplace. His car broke down the night before so he resorted to going on foot.

Before morning, the young man tried to see if his friends could take him but nothing came up as it was such short notice, Understanding Compassion reports. The young man never allowed that to discourage him. Instead of staying back, he decided to walk all the way. After checking maps and seeing that he would need seven hours to get to Pelham, Walter decided to leave at midnight.

He slept in the afternoon and woke at 12 am to begin his journey, New York Post reports. He said: “I wanted to be there before 8. I wanted to beat the crew members there to let the company know how dedicated I am.” At 4 am, the man had already walked 14 miles, leaving six to complete, so he decided to rest a little. The student said his body ached all over.

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