These Are The Places The Ghost Adventures Crew Doesn't Want To Revisit

According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, Bagans heard that some 200 demons haunted a house in Gary, Indiana, so he called up the realtor and bought it sight unseen. Then he boarded himself up inside. But when he came out of the house that he ended up calling "a portal to hell," he was never the same. He now suffers from an unexplainable case of double vision, what doctors told him is called diplopia but couldn't tell him how he'd developed it. He now has to wear special prism glasses to correct the condition.

Back in 2018, he said that whatever he came into contact with in that house hadn't ever let him go. "I think that whatever was there visits me. It's with me," he said, adding that he kind of missed the house.

But something apparently changed since then, because by the time he spoke with Mental Floss in January 2021, he was singing a different tune. He said that he had razed the house and would never even return to the location. "I have no intention to go back to that land," he said. "It was a demonic virus."
